PR Events
PR events
We have been very active this year attending plant fairs and promoting Norfolk & Suffolk Group HPS.
Saturday 27th April: NNHS talk by Adrian Bloom on The Bressingham Gardens at the John Innes Conference Centre. Jan Oakley and Susan Oglesby represented us where we had a publicity stand. This was well received by visitors especially as we were giving away free seeds from the HPS Seed Distribution Scheme. It was also the first time our new display board was used.

South Suffolk Show on 29th and 30th May – due to unforeseen circumstances we did not attend this event.
Saturday 8th June: East Ruston Old Vicarage Garden Plant Fair. Chris Davies, Jan Oakley, Susan Oglesby, Barbra Back and myself attended. Now I know we are hardy planters but this was pushing it to the limit! The weather was atrocious – extremely wet and windy which necessitated four of us each hanging on to a leg of the gazebo to prevent it being blown away whilst one person served customers. Despite being soaked and cold we still kept up the banter and smiling and managed to raise £234 for group funds.
Sunday 7th July: Hatten Farm Nurseries 40th Anniversary Celebration. Liz Bloom, Graham Boutell and myself attended on this sunny day to sell plants. Unfortunately this was not a financial success as there weren’t many ‘plants people’ and we only raised £34.
Sunday 14th July: NGS Open Day at Jan Oakley’s garden. Chris Davies and myself attended on this beautiful warm day. Many visitors were pleased to receive free seeds, donated by National as leftovers from the Seed Distribution. A few people seemed very keen to join our group and took away application forms to complete so fingers crossed that we might gain some new members. We also raised £159 from the plant sales.
Sunday 28th July: Aestival 2019 Summer Fair held at Raveningham Gardens. Chris Davies, Jan Oakley, Susan Oglesby, Pamela Clark and myself attended at this well arranged event organised by CPRE Norfolk (Campaign to Protect Rural England). We were placed at an excellent location and there were very few ‘plants’ stalls – we made a profit of £178. Copies of our 2019 Programme and free seeds were handed out to members of the public.