Diana Perowne's Plant Portraits

The Importance of Bees

Written by Peter Lyle. Posted in News


Norfolk and Suffolk HPS member Eloise Mcgregor writes "as a radical female beekeeper from 1975-2004 we were a very rare species! I loved the experience as I am a huge fan of honeybees and all insects, however it’s all a very different story today. This year we have been observing, as usual, the  birds, bees and butterflies and have noticed that all the bees were bumbles (love them anyway) and hoverflies (great pollinators). In a former life I was researching into the effects of pesticides on wildlife and particularly insects. Being registered with the police and council to collect swarms, I was often called out to collect swarms which was a great gift for me and a big relief for them. £5 for me, if I was lucky and often £0,  just a thank you.
As you all know the hens have come home to roost and all the dire predictions have come to fruition.
Please keep all your lovely wildflowers going, they are not weeds and we need them."


Bees on Eryngium sp. in Eloise's garden