Plant Portraits

Heritage Plants for the HPS Diamond Jubilee

Written by Chris Davies. Posted in News

2016-10-13 12.36.47 copyGrowing Norfolk and Suffolk Heritage Plants for the HPS Diamond Jubilee

When we host the national HPS Annual Lecture Day and AGM on March 25th 2017, Norfolk and Suffolk Group will be manning our own Heritage Plant stall to highlight the local connection with the Society's inception, and to raise funds for the Group.

We will be selling plants which originated in Norfolk and Suffolk, many of which will be plants named by Alan Bloom, who was a Founder member of the HPS, - one reason why we were asked to host the event. Many of the plants have been generously donated by Jaime Blake, Alan's son-in-law.

The plants have been mainly researched and gathered by Andrew Lawes and Colin Pusey, and grown on by them, Linda Hall, Sarah Rix, Brenda Reed, and me.

They are now being cared for through the Winter by John Metcalf, who will call upon us to pot them on or divide them, as  , (or do it himself!)

The varieties we have are: Erigeron 'Felicity', Aconitum lycoctonum 'Ivorine', Campanula 'Pouffe', Tradescantia 'Isis' Geranium cantabrigensis 'Cambridge', Geranium sylvaticum 'Mayflower', Tanacetum 'Bressingham Red', Aster 'Royal Velvet', Anemone 'Bressingham Glow', Geranium oxonianum 'Irene Hatwell', Iris 'Benton Varieties', all subject to the usual provisos!

If you have spares of any of these, or other varieties that you know to be correct and from our two Counties, which you would be willing to donate, we would be delighted to receive them, (contact Andrew, Colin, Chris or Linda).

We will have special souvenir labels relating the plants to Norfolk and Suffolk and the Diamond Jubilee of the HPS, with a picture, (which could be helpful in March). We hope to produce enough plants to offer a choice to the 150 national members we are aiming to encourage to attend, and to raise funds for the Group. We hope many of our own Group members will come and enjoy the day with us.

Chris Davies