
All Future Garden Visits

Written by Colin Pusey. Posted in News

Could all members that intend to come on our future garden visits please let our Chairman Chris Davies know in good time either by phone or Email so that we can plan tea & cake etc many thanks.

Looking forward to summer

Written by John Metcalf. Posted in News

As the weather is so gloomy just now I thought that a backward glance at some sunnier moments might bring some warmer thoughts . These are photographs taken on a visit to Sicily of some of the ancients ruins still standing amongst the landscape and the abundance of flowers around them.

click on picture to follow the sequence

photographs by John Metcalf

Bill Boardman

Written by Chris Davies. Posted in News

It is with great sadness that we report that Bill died on 14th November 2014
There will be a service of Thanksgiving at Bergh Apton church (St.Peter and St Paul) on Friday 5th December at 2.30pm.
No flowers please. Donations to Parkinson's UK, may be sent to R. B. Copping Independent Funeral Services

Bill was a founder member of the Norfolk and Suffolk HPS Group. There will be a detailed tribute
to his horticultural life in the Spring issue of the Group Newsletter.

clematis 'Henryi'

Written by Pamela Clark. Posted in News

Clematis 'Henryi' was one of the early hybrids created as part of an attempt to get the largest possible flowers on clematis.  In 1855 Isaac Anderson-Henry of Edinburgh crossed C. Patens and C. Lanuginosa and obtained the white-flowered 'Henryi'.
It is early-summer flowering with a second crop later in the year.  It doesn't grow too tall - about 3-4m, depending on how hard it is pruned.  The main attraction is the flower which is 15 to 18cm across with 8 sepals that barely overlap.  What adds to its interest is the contrast of brown-tipped stamens against the pure white of the flower.  Each sepal has elegant veining from tip to base.
In his book on clematis Christopher Lloyd states that it is a 'difficult' plant and he does not like it.  However, he does admit that it never grew for him.


photo by Pamela Clark


Written by John Metcalf. Posted in News

This has been a year for some astonishing displays of blossom. Brenda Foster took these pictures in their house garden, Gable House, Redisham, Beccles, which just give some idea of the amount of flowers to be seen on many trees. Here are a couple of pictures of a catalpa tree in their garden.


click on picture for second one

Also a picture of very strange looking caterpillar, an elephant hawk moth.

click on caterpillar to enlarge