
Lapeirousia laxa

Written by Chris Davies. Posted in News

HPS member, Geoff Hinchliffe, donated some pots of seedlings of this plant, also known as Anomotheca, and Freesia laxa to our plant stall at the Summer Social 2018. Other members showed no signs of knowing the plants, although I believe that Sally Smith might grow them.

At present, I still have 5 of Geoff’s pots of these, @ £2/ pot of about 6 seedlings.

Geoff’s source describes them as follows:-“From a flat fan of tiny iris-like leaves arise thin stems carrying large, brilliant carmine, star-shaped flowers.These lovely flowers are very long lived and hardy in a sheltered spot and I a well-drained rockery they will self-seed and make fabulous drifts.”  

They will develop corms. The foliage grows to about 8”. They need sun, good drainage and shelter from Winter wet and cold.

IF YOU ARE INTERESTED CONTACT ME:- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 01362 668784


Written by Super User. Posted in News

We regret any inconvenience to our members but the website is in the process of being updated.

If you have any queries please contact Linda Hall on 01379 641519.

Breaking News on our Cotswold Holiday

Written by Colin Pusey. Posted in News

 2nd March 2017
Car Parking for the trip will be as normal at Notcutts.
Look there are a few places left why not come on John & Brenda Fosters fantastic holiday to the Cotswolds - Book Now !


Scarce Euphorbia !

Written by Chris Davies. Posted in News

Cathy Rollinson spotted a comment that Don Witton made in the autumn edition of The Hardy Plant about Euphorbia epithymoides “Midas” being a good contender for our Conservation Scheme: “my favourite form of my favourite species, but it is becoming scarce…” 
It is currently listed by 3 nurseries in the 2016 Plantfinder and he has included a photograph of the plant at Avondale Nursery although it is not listed for sale in their 2017 online catalogue.
Does anyone grow this plant in your group if so please give Chris a ring .

If your very interested in 'Heucheras'

Written by Chris Davies. Posted in News

If you are very interested in Heucheras, our National Chairman, Cathy Rollinson is looking for an expert among the HPS membership to assist with the RHS Trial.(Request has come from Graham Rice.)
If you know a member you would recommend, or are interested yourself, please contact her (see back of journal for email) or contact Chris Davies, who will forward your message.
Heuchera Heucherella Collage 1b