
Garden Opening

Written by Peter Lyle. Posted in News

Norfolk and Suffolk HPS member, Sarah Clark, will be opening her garden as part of The Great Garden Trail, in aid of St Elizabeth Hospice, on Sunday, 4th July, 11-5.  

Beech House is not huge but within 1/4 acre there is a herb garden, summer fruit garden, pond, bog garden, woodland walk, veg patch, greenhouse, meadow, and herbaceous borders full of common and unusual plants, especially Salvias, some planted in the naturalistic style.  All the plants show what can be grown on poor sandy soil very near the sea.  

There will be a plant stall and light lunches, tea and home made cakes will be for sale.  

The address is Beech House, 82 Leiston Road, Aldeburgh IP15 5PS.  

Admission is £3.50, children free.  Hope to see you there.

Dances with the Daffodils, Warley Place, Essex

Written by Irene Tibbenham and Mavis Smith. Posted in News

Dances with the Daffodils, Warley Place, Essex

What could be greater proof of a good lecture than motivating action to do something!  We refer to the lecture by Andrew Sankey, on Ellen Willmott and Warley Place, originally scheduled at Hethersett Village Hall, but relocated online to a Zoom presentation in March 2021.  In this case, two Group members, both keen on narcissus, were moved to visit Ellen Willmott’s Essex garden after hearing the latest lecture, which included photographs of Warley Place.

As write-ups have been hit and miss since we moved online, we recommend the following article ‘Ellen Willmott:  Gardener and Plantswoman’ by Petra Hoyar Millar, who writes a blog entitled Oxonion Gardener which gives a greater account than we could write and touches upon much of what we covered in the lecture.

Having heard how Ellen gathered the breeders of her day together, including the likes of George Engleheart and Robert Backhouse, we were intrigued to reconnôitre the once famous garden at Warley Place in Essex, as soon as meeting restrictions permitted, which for us meant Wednesday 31st March 2021.  Both of us have a keen interest in narcissus, one specialising in historic Engleheart narcissus, the other in modern split-corona daffs.

Here we encountered the remnants of Ellen Willmott’s grand garden plan, now a nature reserve managed by Essex Wildlife Trust and gardened with a light touch by volunteers; a mere shadow of a grand garden where once more than 100,000 plants were looked after by 140 gardeners.

Ellen Willmott amassed more than 600 narcissus cultivars, and today few survive of that original collection.  On the other hand, those that have survived have clearly thrived and augmented their numbers naturally, testament to the longevity and resilience of certain historic cultivars.  Many of these display a delicate and fragile frame - twisted perianth segments courtesy of Engleheart’s breeding with Narcisssus poeticus - in sharp contrast to today’s cultivars.

To protect her precious narcissus from theft, Ellen Willmott is said to have had trip wires installed to trigger air rifles should any one dare to pilfer these beloved plants.  Today, barbed wire separates the millions of daffodils from serious physical incursion, and domestic dogs are banned.

The site and sight of thousands of dainty daffodils–conveys the scene from William Wordsworth’s poem ‘I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud’, written after a visit to Gowbarrow Park in Cumbria 1802:

I wandered lonely as a cloud

That floats on high o’er vales and hills,

When all at once I saw a crowd,

A host, of golden daffodils;

Beside the lake, beneath the trees,

Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

He finishes his poem with ‘And then my heart with pleasure fills, And dances with the daffodils”.  Born 56years later, is it possible Ellen Willmott was inspired by these words?  Certainly today, the sheer magnitude of planted area is just staggering and is guaranteed to warm your heart on a sunny spring day.

The following photographs are a foretaste of the botanical treasures seen that day.  Identifying cultivars is almost impossible, given today there are 27,000+ registered, but those identified with some certainty included ‘Van Sion’ (‘Telamonius Plenus’ in RHS) and ‘Seagull’.

We would recommend a visit here highly but set off in March or April so you can ‘dance with the daffodils.’


Irene Tibbenham and Mavis Smith


Zoom Talk: Caradoc Doy "Plant Hunters and Pioneers: A Brief History of the Veitch Nurseries in Exeter and London"

Written by Judi Sims. Posted in News

Plant Hunters and Pioneers: A Brief History of the Veitch Nurseries in Exeter and London by Caradoc Doy

The creation in 1830s of the Wardian case increased to 80% the survival rate of plants sent by ship, while  the knowledge Charles Darwin had brought back in 1831 of the growing conditions of his herbarium specimens and seeds  increased the enthusiasm for new plants.

Five generations of the Veitch family employed 23 plant hunters who travelled the globe between 1840-1912. Propagation of the new plants for sale financed the next expeditions. One branch of the family stayed in Devon, the other moved to London with a shop and nursery in Chelsea.

John Veitch  [1752-1839], having already opened a nursery on Acland land at Killerton was asked by the owner, the 10th baronet, to modernise the estate with interesting features, paths and borders near the house. He became head gardener and was advising other estates in every county in England except Rutland; so far no references have been found to estates he advised in Norfolk or Suffolk.

James Veitch senior [1792-1863] assisted his father, supplying plants for people who wanted exotic plants including dahlias and some already mentioned by Darwin. In the 1830s the family bought land for a nursery, built glass houses, (before the repeal of the glass tax) then opened a seed shop in Exeter, selling tools and garden necessaries at a time when garden chemicals had to be signed for.

Some of their most successful plant hunters were brothers William and Thomas Lobb, Ernest Wilson and Charles Maries. 

James and his son, James junior  [1815-1869] were hired to plant and maintain an arboretum at Bicton, Devon which already had an avenue of monkey puzzle trees. Among the first plants introduced in the 1840s were Primula denticulata and a white clematis C. montana grandiflora.

William Lobb, [1809-1863] was sent  to South America collecting exclusively for their nursery. He was a remarkable man but very little is known about him, his two journals having disappeared in WWII. He went to South America twice, each trip lasting four years, then North America. Veitch charged very high prices for the introduced plants, understandable considering the effort and time spent by their collectors.

In 1840 Lobb went to the ‘Organ mountains’ in South America. This very diverse area meant that various collectors nearby would find different plants. One find was Begonia coccinea. He later collected monkey puzzle seeds, very hard to obtain; it took William four years to reach the area, depicted by Marianne North. There is a reference to William using his gun to get branches for the seeds which were sold – 100 for £10 in 1844. Two years later the seedlings were sold at a price which today would be £300. He also found many fuchsias including F. serratifolia, important for breeding. William also found several myrtles; he noticed the natives picking the fruit of one evergreen myrtle or Chilean guava, Ugni molinae. It’s not very hardy but delicious, like wild strawberry and was apparently used for Queen Victoria’s favourite jam.

Another find was the Peruvian magic tree Cantua buxifolia, sacred to the Incas. It too is not very hardy but lovely, with bright pink dangling tubes. They were on offer in 1851 for a guinea, a fortune at the time.

Cantua buxifolia 'Dancing Oaks'

For those unable to afford the plant, Veitch offered a picture in return for a recent invention, several postage stamps. Lobb introduced the Chilean fire bush, Lapageria rosea and a number of nasturtiums including Tropaeolum speciosum, Crinodendrum and Escallonia macrantha var. rubra, which has naturalised in Cornwall but not Devon. The escallonia was used by Veitch hybridisers.

Tropaeolum speciosum

William also collected the seeds and cones of conifers, popular with landowners for clothing their estates, as well as Podocarpus and Berberis darwinii, (Darwin had brought back dried specimens). He also collected the slow growing Cypress 2-300’ tall, Fitzroya cupressoides, also found by Darwin, and named after Beagle’s captain, Captain Robert Fitzroy who later founded the Meteorological Office.

Later William went out to the west coast of America where he found the Western Red Cedar, already discovered by Douglas, who later died in Hawaii. He added Ceanothus C. Veitchianus, re-introduced Fremontedendron and introduced the Giant Redwood or Wellingtonia. William Lobb was famous in his life time and a new moss rose was named after him by a French breeder. He fell ill in California where he died in 1863 and is buried in San Francisco.

William’s younger brother, Thomas, [1817-1894] was also sent out collecting and he became an orchid fanatic finding specimens in Java for glasshouses at home. He spent the best part of 17 years on the tropical islands including the Phillippines and Borneo. He added Deutzia gracilis from Java, and on near by islands found tropical rhododendrons or ‘Greenhouse’ varieties including  R. Veitchianum, both used for hybridising. Some of these still survive despite the devastation of WWI which didn’t help the estate gardens and gardeners.

Thomas added many newly discovered orchids some of which were also used for hybridising. Vanda caeruleum which made Thomas famous, was introduced in 1849. Perhaps his most successful find was Phalaenopsis amabilis used for hybridising. Thomas also collected Nepenthes or pitcher plants finding a number of new species. This was a dangerous place; the head-hunting natives scared him off their sacred mountain.

Thomas also collected plants now grown as house plants; Hoya bella from Thailand and Medinilla magnifica from the Phillippines where he suffered such a serious leg injury he had to come home. He later developed gangrene and the story tells of amputation on the kitchen table. Unable to continue collecting he became a recluse and died in 1894.

James Veitch junior [1815-1869] ran the new Chelsea enterprise from 1853 on a small 4 acre site on the King’s Road where he had many competitors, now there is only one nursery left. He needed more land and set up peripheral nurseries. The Veitch Memorial Medal was created in his memory and has since become the RHS medal.

Richard Pearce, already in South America was asked to collect for James, exploring Chile, Peru and Bolivia. He found the tuberous Begonia boliviensis, the first tuberous begonia brought to Europe. He also added a red flowering Berberidopsis corallina now endangered in Chile due to deforestation. The Edinburgh Botanic Garden is trying to save it from extinction and return it. Pearce was high in the Andes when he found Masdevallia Veitchiana.

Begonia boliviensis

In 1863 James (senior) died picking flowers for his wife’s funeral so there was a double funeral. While James junior continued in London, his brother, Robert found a new site in Exeter, Robert was really a farmer and had a contract to landscape grounds round a house, now the site of the University’s Reed Hall.

John Gould Veitch  [1839-1870] was sent to Japan. He was the very first official collector to be let into the country which had been closed to foreigners for years. He was soon followed by Robert Fortune. In the foothills of Mt Fujiama John found a ‘fluffy’ conifer Cryptomeria elegans. He also found Magnolia stellata, dwarf Japanese maples and Lilium auratum, regarded as a weed in Japan. It was exhibited in Chiswick in 1861 and 5,000 people queued to see it - ‘men took off their hats and women curtseyed.’


Magnolia stellata                                                                  Lilium auratum

Robert’s son, Peter [1850-1929] was hired by his cousin, Harry, to travel to New Zealand and Australia and the South Sea islands; one collection was lost overboard in a gale so he repeated his collecting trip only for the second collection to be lost in a shipwreck. In Borneo he joined forces with another Veitch collector, F W Burbridge and with an escort they climbed Mt Kina Balu where they found the largest pitcher plant, Nepenthese  rajah which holds 4 pints of water.

Peter returned to Exeter where he landscaped gardens, including the cemetery where members of his family are buried. His son John Leonard volunteered  for the Cycling brigade in WWI and was killed three months before the war ended.

Peter’s daughter Mildred [1889-1971] left her teacher training course and moved to the new site in Exeter (which she eventually sold to St Bridget Nurseries in 1969). In the meantime, in London, James Junior’s son, Harry, [1840-1924] sent Charles Maries to Japan and China. He preferred Japan, travelling the length of the archipelago. It was in Japan that he found the hardiest banana, Musa Basjoo [named Chinesis!] He added Viburnim plicatum Marriesia ‘Hokkaido’ and in China, Hamamelis mollis.

Hamamelis mollis

James H Veitch [1868-1907] now headed the London branch  and wrote Hortus Veitchii, published for private circulation in 1906. The speaker found 1659 plants they had introduced, ranging from alpines to trees. Since then he has found even more; not all have survived the vagaries of time and relocation. They had added hundreds of fruit and vegetables too, many since lost .They included the climbing pea, Veitch’s Western Express, now saved in the Heritage Seed Library, a crab apple Veitch’s Scarlet and a very large apple Rev. W Wilks.

In the 1890s Dr Augustine Henry, an amateur botanist was in western China working for customs and botanising in his time off. He sent thousands of specimens to Kew including 500 new plants many named after him. One morning he recorded a dozen new species in a valley at a time when China was engaged in a huge deforestation programme. He pleaded with Kew to send out a botanist to make a survey. Kew had no budget for this but Veitch did and asked Kew; they recommended 21 year old Ernest Wilson. He became the most remarkable collector; by the end of his career he added at least 1000 new plants, finding 400 between 1899-1902.

Officially he was sent to find the Handkerchief tree Davidia involucrata. He began by visiting Charles Sargent at Harvard, who advised on the trees and shrubs he’d find. From there he went to San Francisco and Hong Kong travelling inland to meet Henry who showed Wilson a sketch of where to find this tree before having to return to work. Fortunately the locals knew and led Wilson, but in the mean time the Chinese had cut it down - it had taken him a year to get there. Fortunately he later found a grove of the trees in flower and sent back seeds to England. He also added Clematis montana var. rubens, Acer griseum, Primula pulverulenta, Parthenopsis henryana and Wilson’s favourite flowering plant, Kolkwitzia amabilis, as well as Lilium regale.


Davidia involucrata                                                               Kolkwitzia amabilis

William Purdom [1880-1921] was sent out after Hortus Veitchii was written so does not feature in the books; now several publications are paying him due deference. He added Viburnum fragrans, and the red birch Betula albo-sinensis var.septentrionalis from Kansu.

Sir Harry Veitch [1840-1924], the last of the Veitch dynasty in Chelsea, had been knighted for his charitable work. The RHS asked the Chelsea Hospital if they could hold a one-off show there. It was so popular that the arrangement has continued. As Sir Harry had no heirs, he wound up the London part of the enterprise by 1914. The seed business continued in Exeter until the seed stock was sold to Suttons in 1914.

All plant photos courtesy of the Hardy Plant Society

Zoom Lectures from other Gardening Societies

Written by Peter Lyle. Posted in News

Below are details of Zoom lectures organised by other gardening societies.

Plant Heritage

Plant Heritage have arranged a number of Zoom talks over the coming weeks. Full details can be found here.

Norfolk and Norwich Horticultural Society

The NNHS have arranged monthly Zoom talks. The next one is being held on 25th January at 7.00pm and is a talk on the Gardens of East Anglia by Simon White. Full details can be found here.

Lincolnshire Hardy Plant Society

Lincolnshire Hardy Plant Society have arranged a number of Zoom talks over the coming weeks. Full details can be found here.


Chestnut Farm - A Garden For All Seasons

Written by Peter Lyle. Posted in News

Chestnut Farm

A Garden For All Seasons

Open by arrangement from February (Snowdrops over 100 varieties all separately labeled) ‘til October (Nerines Cyclamen Colchicums etc) supporting  National Garden Scheme and other charities. Any number from 4-20. Relax with a cup of tea in the new garden room.

Preferably Thursdays 2-5 pm according to season.

Chestnut Farm will be open Sunday 7th  March for St Johns Ambulance 11am-4pm, admission £5

Grassfield parking subject to weather conditions.

Refreshments will be available

All arrangements subject to current Covid rules.  To book or any queries please phone Judy Wilson on 01263 822241 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Instructions for using ZOOM

Written by Peter Lyle. Posted in News

Instructions for using ZOOM

Zoom is a web-based video conferencing tool that allows users to meet online with or without video. Any device such as PC, laptop, Ipad or smartphone can be used.

Downloading Zoom

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Click on the Zoom Client for Meetings button.

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 Connecting to a Meeting

1. For the ZOOM meetings you will receive an email with a link to the meeting. It will cover topic, time and have a link to join the meeting. When you click on the link, Zoom will ask you to launch the meeting or download and run Zoom. When this is completed, you will then be allowed into the meeting by the host.

2. When you have joined the meeting and ZOOM is operating, scroll to the bottom of your screen to access the Tool Bar. Click on the appropriate icon to turn On/Off Muting or On/Off Video. If you are using your phone for the Audio, you have a different icon. When not speaking, mute yourself. The host can mute everyone if necessary. Computers pick up background noise which can be distracting. The Participants icon shows the number of people in the meeting. Clicking on this icon brings up a display at the right of your screen that lists the meeting participants and the current status of the Audio and Video for each person. There will be a selection of Non-Verbal icons at the bottom of the list that can be used to communicate with the Host or other participants. You can use the “Raise Hand” tool to let the Host know you would like to speak or the “Yes” and “No” icons to respond to general questions.

 3. The “Chat” tool is a way to communicate without speaking. Click on the “Chat” tool - a Chat window opens on the right below the list of participants. You can select to whom the message is to be sent. You can select an individual or the whole group for your message.

 4. You can leave a meeting at any time by clicking on the “Leave Meeting” tool at the far right of the Tool bar. This brings up a dialog box where you can confirm that you want to leave the meeting. The host will end the meeting.


1. Do I have to have a webcam to join on Zoom?

While you are not required to have a webcam to join a Zoom Meeting or Webinar, you will not be able to transmit video of yourself. You will continue to be able to listen and speak during the meeting, share your screen, and view the webcam video of other participants.

2. Why is my video/camera not working?

If your camera is not showing up in the Zoom Settings or it is selected and not showing any video, these tips can help you troubleshoot why it is not working.

1. Make sure that all other programs that utilize the camera are not using the camera or are closed.

2. Restart your computer.

3. Uninstall the Zoom client and reinstall the latest version from the Zoom Download Center.

 4. Why does the link not work when I try to access the Zoom meeting?

If your link does not work please email the host (it will be the same email address as that with which the link was sent) and the link will be resent to you. Please join at least 15 minutes before the start of your first meeting to make sure you are able to join the meeting successfully, and are able to turn on your video and your audio.

 5. Can I join using my phone and not computer?

Yes. You will be given both a computer link and phone number(s) to access the Zoom meeting. You will not see the zoom screen or participants. Do not put your phone on speaker when joining by phone.

6. Do I have to get a Zoom account?

No – you do not need an account, but will be required to download the app to your computer if you are linking from your desktop or mobile device.

 7. The sound is breaking up – what should I do?

The quality of the sound and video in a ZOOM meeting is related to the quality (bandwidth) of your Internet service. If the sound begins to breakup or the video signal degenerates, then turning off your video can help. Connecting to your internet with a wired connection is better than connecting over wireless.

8. Where can I find more help on using ZOOM?

The Zoom Help Centre has video tutorials to help you get started and learn more. Find them here:


Written by Peter Lyle. Posted in News

Collections of colchicum, narcissus, crocus, erythronium, sternbergias and many other bulbs and plants. 
We cannot offer any refreshments but please bring food with you if you wish, and sit in the garden.
John and Brenda Foster, Gable House, Redisham, Beccles NR34 8NE
01502 575298